Monday, December 4, 2017

Week 10 - A Taco Problem and the First Baptism!

Hey All! 

It's been a good week! Here's a run down:

Monday: Good p-day. We went to the Soriana for groceries. Soriana is kind of like the mexican Walmart. Here, Walmart is where the wealthy people go. haha! Just a chill p-day, washed clothes, emailed, went to a panaderia (pretty much a bakery with super good bread). After p-day ended (6:00 pm), we watched a gospel movie with Giovanna and after... it got freaky. So her house is almost 100% haunted. She told us some freaky stories and Elder Freitas (he is leaving in 2 weeks and has been in plenty of haunted houses) said as soon as we entered the house, it felt, even smelled, evil. So that was weird.

Tuesday: Slow day. District Meeting in the morning. And walked A LOT today. We had Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening) and that was lots of fun! After, Elders Freitas, Santiz, McDowell and I went for tacos.... Soooo, so good!

Wednesday: Had another lesson with the Garcia family! They are awesome. Elder Santiz came to interview them for baptism. (they both passed. Yay!) They are thee happiest, nicest, most generous people in the world. Later that afternoon, we met with the Jimenez family. Our lessons are interesting.... Good, but they just go a completely different direction. Then we got more tacos.

Thursday: Met with the Jimenez family again. Good lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Later, we met with Julio Llevada (yay-vah-duh), a guy we contacted inside an Elektra store. He worships Judas Tadeo, but has doubts. He really likes us and loved hearing about the Restoration! Fingers crossed. Noche de Cine tonight for the local kids. Then we got tacos again. haha. Oh I forgot to add: we forgot our keys in the apartment so we climbed onto the roof of our neighbors apartment and climbed onto our roof then down the stairs. Then we broke into our apartment. 

Friday: Killed at the gym, got some good cereal and cleaned the font at the church. Good morning! We (all 4 of us Elders) had lunch with the Garcia's. After lunch, we picked up a few more people, and  went to the temple! It was super cool to walk through the Visitor's Center and see all the lights. We got tacos afterwards... I have a taco problem.

Saturday: Amazing day! We got to the church about 10 am and started prepping for the baptism! I had the opportunity to baptize Christopher. Such a cool experience! First try too which almost surprised me. Remembering the name, the prayer, and to not drown him wasn't easy. My companion baptized Angeles. SUCH A COOL THING! 

Sunday: So I was invited to confirm Christopher today in sacrament meeting, but I felt my spanish isn't good enough. But I did help my companion do both which was cool. We had 3 people come to church who want us to teach them, which is crazy. Two of them want to be baptized too! We could have 4-5 baptisms next Saturday. So pray for us! Later that night we watched the Christmas Devotional with Giovanna.

As far as I am concerned, I am doing great! I'm always tired, but that's pretty normal. I miss the fam and friends too. Anyway, I'm praying for y'all! Email me! Love ya!

Elder Quist

Elders Quist, McDowell, Freitas, Santiz


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