Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 19 - "Don't Skip your Prayers"

First week out of training! Pretty good week! Worked hard. Half the week was super cold and half was pretty hot.

Monday: Last day with Elder McDowell. We made pancakes with the Garcia's again and then back again that evening we had dinner with them. Fun day!

Tuesday: We woke up early and drove to Amecameca for changes. My new companion is Elder Marin (pronounced Marine). He has been out 13 months and is from Honduras. Cool guy. We taught 3 lessons today. Pretty good day.

Wednesday:  We visited a lot of people today, but didn't teach a lot. We street contacted a bunch though! Busy day.

Thursday: Elder Marin really likes to play chess, so a few times when we were waiting for stuff, we played... He is pro. He beat me in like 10 moves. We chose a companionship scripture which is Hebrews 13:1, "Let brotherly love continue." We contacted a lot today and found some cool people.

Friday: We taught a neighbor of the Garcia's today. Also named the Garcia's (that happens a lot here, literally every other person is a Garcia). Good lesson! I hope they get baptized.

Sunday: No investigators came to church :( , but it was good. I forgot to say my prayers before bed and I woke up a little sick... Don't skip your prayers!! We had a family night with the Garcia's and their neighbor, Sylvia. It was good! Hopefully we can baptize her.

A pretty good week though! Hope all is well!

- Elder Quist

 My new super OCD satisfying desk arrangement
 McDowell and I were pretty sad he was leaving...
 He was more sad than I haha
 My buddy Elder Petersen from Saratoga Springs
 Istlausihautl (it's a volcano, idk how to spell it)
 Goodbye to Elder McDowell
 Me and Elder Marin
 Street Paso de Cortes
Cool panorama

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