Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 31 - I Mean.... I Guess it's Hot

Sup my homies? How's it going? Here? It is just pretty dang hot so that's fun! It's not as everyone says though, so there's that.... My desire to go swimming has dramatically increased in my first week here. But it's ok because... well, it's not ok. Oh well.

Monday: Last day in Ozumba :( As a district, we went to a "park" nearby and made a fire, roasted marshmallows, hot dogs, had some chill music playing (gospel music, missionary appropriate, don't worry guys). It was fun!

Tuesday: Went to the changes and saw Christopher and Angeles, my first converts! They are the best! So I am going down to Cuatla to a small town called Jonacatepec. It's pretty hot down there. My new companion is super chill, Elder Palomares (I'm really excited cause he's my first comp that doesn't speak English). He's super nice. He has 15 months in the mission, from San Luis Potosi. He wants to learn how to speak like a black so he says, "What's up nigga" a lot (but it isn't offensive as it sounds cause he sounds funny when he says it, don't worry). Good first day. And we got two baptismal dates!

Wednesday: Funny story from today - We were at a member's house for lunch and a close family friend of theirs showed up form the US with some of his friends. Only this friend knows spanish. The other 3 are refugees from Syria. They speak some english. It was so hard to talk to them in english! My english is not that great anymore. 

Thursday: Our area is pretty big again. The cities in our area are: Jonacatepec, Tenango, Tetililla, Chalcatzingo, Apotonilgo and San Gabriel. Pretty cool names, I suppose. Today we taught the Candelara Salazar Family. Super humble and super nice. All 4 of them accepted a baptismal date! They need your prayers.

Friday: So all the pueblos we have are far away and today we found out there is a "trail" that connects two of them. We decided to try it and long story short, it did NOT work. It was fun though.

Saturday: We had a lesson with this girl, Atziri, this morning. She's been through a lot, but she knows God can help her. Super cool. We put a baptismal date with her too. Please send some prayers her way too.

Sunday: I gave a talk today (it is just a branch here, by the way. Good people, awesome area). I killed it, I think. No one came :( but it was a good day. 

A good first week! We worked hard and there is a lot of potential here. Did I mention that it is pretty hot here?;) 

Love y'all! Have a good week!

- Elder Quist

First sunrise in Jonacatepec

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