Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Week 43 - Mi HIjo Amado

The pregnancy was long and tough but after many long months I gave birth to a young and healthy Elder Solorzano. He is legit. A couple weeks after he got his mission call some professional soccer team in Guatemala offered him like $4000 american dollars monthly to play for them and he turned them down so he could focus on the mission #consecrated. I am in a new area called Cuatro Vientos Ixtapaluca. It is cool. When we got to the house, it was super dirty. So an hour or two everyday we have been cleaning it. Saturday we finally got to the back patio... lemme tell y'all. That was a terrifying experience. There was a dead rat in a bucket, a trash bag full of maggots and larvae, then the spiders.  

So in the corner there was this stack of floor tiles and I started moving them and I saw something move... To my horror I found the largest spider I have ever seen, like the size of my hand, and it had an enormous egg sack on it's back. Basically a nightmare of mine. So VERY carefully I started moving the tiles so I could kill the spider from hell and APPARENTLY this freaking spider has a HUSBAND. So you know, there is me, internally screaming like a little girl (and a little bit on the outside too), and then a couple feet behind me is my son, all calm and relaxed telling me to kill them while he is doing the dishes or something like that. After about 20 minutes, I move all the tiles and the spider couple is happily staring me down. They think I got nothin', but to their surprise I had a bucket of water. And a broom stick. That spider couple didn't know what hit them! I splashed them with a TON of water and went in there beating those things like a man possesed... I hope I left a good impression for my son...

This week we went and talked with the Salas family. They just got back from a long vacation and are so ready for this gospel. They read the Book of Mormon like everyday and all the pamphlets. Super prepared people. Pray for them. We also met with Tio and Leti. Really kinda awkward couple... BUT they are also way prepared. They read the BoM like maniacs. We were just getting to know them and I asked if they have been reading and praying often, to which they responded "yeah, when I get back from work everyday and relax a little bit we say a prayer and start reading and then after we finish we say another prayer..." and we just could not thank our Heavenly Father enough for preparing these people for us to help them know his true church.

Life here in Mexico is great, exhausting but great work! I miss y'all. You are in my prayers, and I love ya!

Elder Quist

PS - No pics for the moment, I lost my camera :( If you would like to donate to my new camera fund let me know! :)

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