Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week 3 - PB and Nutella Sandwiches and Lots of Isaiah

Hey there! Ok to start off, last week I forgot to tell y'all that my district accidentally found a post that shocks you. Like, the welding on it is super bad or the wiring is messed up, but when you touch certain parts of it and then you touch the metal on the benches it shocks you! We call it the Iron Rod and it is catching on so quickly. It's hilarious! Everyone knows about the Iron Rod

Friday: We drove to the immigration place, but I think I already told y'all about that day. 

Saturday: Just so everyone know, the food here isn't bad. But it definitely is NOT good. I usually have a toasted put butter and Nutella sandwich with every meal. For gym today, we just took a nap and then played tennis (we had like 2 hours for gym today), so that was nice. Has anyone played extreme tic tac toe? Because when no one wants to study, we all just play that. It's a blast. We had a little fiesta with the latinos in our casa because they are leaving Monday.

Sunday: A little stressful because it was my first Sunday as ZL and I didn't know what to do, but I figured it out. All the lessons were really good. We found out that a district from another zone is being put in our zone so now we are in charge of about 50 people, 5 districts.

Monday: Sad day today because a bunch of people I know are leaving. I'll include their pics. I had 5 whole pnut butter and Nutella sandwiches today, so if I die, I apologize. I found this quote from Pres Bednar: "It's more about who you are and what you are than what you say." It came from a really good devotional talk about the character of Christ.

Tuesday: Good day, but a super super long day. First of all, why is 2 Nefi (Nephi in spanish) like 100 chapters of just Isaiah?? It is killing me but it's good. I started the BOM over yesterday and I'm already at 2 Nefi 15. Instead of gym we took another nap. haha We do get enough sleep, but naps are the best. Awesome part of the day! Savannah Flanary and Amelia McEwan showed up at the CCM today! It was so, so cool to see people I know. Plus Hermana Flanary is in my zone, so I get to talk to her every once in awhile.

And Today we are going to the temple again which will be so cool. After the temple, we are teaching an investigator with a latino helping us. 

Anyway, love you guys! Miss ya, I wanna hear about what's going on. Especially sports stuff. The guys here would honestly pay good pesos for some juicy sports news. Anyway, talk to ya next week!

-Elder Quizzle

 Elders Peterson and Quist
Elder Chable my homie, love this guy.
 Casa pic
 Elder Hernandez. Funniest hombre in the casa.
 Elder Castro was the OG and he was ZL too.
Elder Decocq on the left and Elder Lake on the right, both going to Bolivia. Elder Decocq is so funny, idk why he isn't smiling.

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