Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 7 - La Ciudad De Alambres (The City of Wires)

Hey Everyone! I'm still alive - all is well here in Valle De Chalco! I'm in basically the most northern part of my mission in the ward Xico (Hico). Our apartment is small, but that's good because it's easy to clean. My companion is Elder McDowell. He is from Bear Lake and has been out for just about 10 months. We're different, but I love him. He's really good at spanish.

So last Monday was a LONG day. About 15 of us were going to Chalco. We emailed in the morning for a bit and then grabbed our luggage and boarded a bus. About 1 1/2 hours drive, had meetings at the mission office all day, then stayed at the AP's apartment that night.

Tuesday: Woke up, showered, packed, drove 45 minutes to the place for exchanges. Drove back the way I came to Valle de Chalco. Cleaned, unpacked, then went to someone's case for lunch. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. So instead of feeding us dinner, they feed us lunch.

Wednesday: If I'm being honest, today wasn't the best. My spanish isn't very good so my comp talks most of the time, which is really frustrating because I can't understand much of anything. I know things will get better though.

Thursday: Well, things got better. We went the Chalco for a multi-zone meeting and I got see my CCM comps, Elder Crockett and Elder Rowberry. We walked a ton today after our meeting. Oh! So funny story. Valle de Chalco is known for moto-taxis and combis (come-bees), motorcycles that pull a little cart thing with 2 seats and combis are like VW busses that are like shared taxis. Funny story of the day. So to get to the meeting, we were going to take a combi, but we couldn't find one. So we took a taxi. Our taxi driver was stopped and arrested and his taxi was towed because he didn't have a license. haha. Later that evening, we played futbol at the church with some kids. Then studied after that. 

Friday: We started today with some studying and personal study. Good start! We studied all morning. It was freezing. Also, I need to add - we do not have any hot water! So that makes for some cold mornings. After studies, we went to lunch at Susanna's house. It was so good! Best food I've eaten in almost 2 months. Then we went contacting and visited members until evening. We showed "Despicable Me 3" at the church to a bunch of local kids. Mostly non-members as a way to get to know them. 

Saturday:  Good day. We slept in few minutes and surprisingly, that 10 extra minutes helped a ton. We just read the Book of Mormon for about an hour. We then went and cleaned the church with Elders Freitas and Santiz, the other Elders in our area. We went contacting and met some cool peeps. Later, we went to Stake Conference. Twas good. 

Sunday: We had Stake Conference from 11:30-1:30 pm. After studying, we had lunch at the Relief Society President's house. Later, we visited with another member, Giovanna. 

Monday: P-DAY - After cleaning our apartment, we met our whole zone at our capilla. We played basketball and soccer for awhile. All of the LDS churches in Mexico have basketball/soccer courts.

So our capilla (apartment) is pretty small. Our only door is the front door. The beds are pretty comfy. We have access to the roof of our building so we chill up there sometimes. It's super pretty when there isn't pollution. The neighborhood is pretty poor, but everyone is super nice. Our capilla is only 5 minutes  (walking) away from the church. It's awesome! 

Altogether this week has been good. The first couple of days were rough. Really rough. But I'm getting the hang of it, I think. Our companionship goal for this cycle is 7 baptisms, so we'll see how that goes. Everyone (at least in our area) is new so we don't have any investigators, but we are trying! I'm excited for the next 12 weeks! Love you guys!

Elder Q

Elder Quist with his companion, Elder McDowell

The view from the roof of our capilla

(a volcano - not sure which one)

PS - I challenged Dad to do the same thing, but I listened to a talk "Prepare Now for your Mission" from April 1977. It talks about enjoying the blessings of Family Home Evening. I want you guys to try to have FHE every week and only use paper scriptures - put electronics in a different room. :) Just trying to be a missionary! Well, sorry it took so long to email today. I miss ya tons and I'm sending tons of hugs your way! Don't worry about me. I'm safe and the Lord protects me. :) 

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